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Bars of material on rack

Help! My quote is just too high!

If you're trying to get a component within a specific budget, consistently getting quotes that are just too high is going to cause you problems. Here are a few tips on how to optimise your design and get your component in budget.

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stainless steel military replacement part

Need a new set of threads? Specifying threads for CNC machining

Delve deep into the art of threads design, manufacturing, and more. In this blog we explore in detail how to select and specify threads for CNC machining as well as draw your attention to key design considerations. We also take you through how Penta machine threads to give you more background for your design.

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Is your supplier ghosting you

Is your supplier ghosting you?

It's all too common. At the start of a relationship, everything's rosy. But then you take the next step... and bam. You've been ghosted. What next?

In this blog, we take you through what might be a familiar situation when it comes to communication from your CNC machining supplier, what the horrifying cost of that might be, and how you can improve communication with your existing or new supplier.

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CNC prototyping

Has Pre-Production Exposed Your Prototype's Hidden Problems?

Prototypes are not as easy as you might imagine. You probably had to do a bit of filing and fettling to get your prototype to work. Perhaps a few tweaks to ensure a perfect geometric fit.

But did you update your drawings to reflect those changes? If not, your poor machining company may have been working from outdated and inaccurate drawings.

Our experienced engineers get lots of calls and emails from manufacturers who are in this situation. They need help to fix the problem (along with other issues they haven’t discovered yet).

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Design for manufacturability (DFM) - why collaboration is crucial

From cost-efficiency to tight schedules, quality demands, and specific application requirements - there are so many factors to consider and balance during the component design phase. In this blog, we dive into the world of Design for Manufacturability (DFM) – a critical early-stage process in production development that can make or break your project's success. 

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3 ways to secure your supply chain

Future-proofing your supply chain: 3 key strategies

When the economic backdrop is challenging, taking steps to secure your supply chain is one way to feel more in control. Director Mark Walker shares three top tips for securing your supply chain when sourcing CNC machined parts.

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Why tolerance matters: the why and how of specifying tolerances for CNC machining

In the world of CNC machining, precision is paramount. One key aspect of achieving precision is specifying tolerances. Tolerances define the allowable variation in dimensions for a given part. In this blog post, we will explore what tolerances are, why they matter in CNC machining and how to effectively specify them for optimal results.

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Electronic enclosure - feed image

Electronic Enclosure Design for Machining in 2023

Designing an electronic enclosure isn’t always straightforward, and keeping costs down can be crucial for making the end product financially viable. From material choice to surface finish, there are decisions made across the whole manufacturing process where you may be adding unnecessary costs. 

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Mix of material bars

The limitations of data sheets for CNC machined component design

When it comes to CNC machining, data sheets are often relied upon by designers to guide their decision-making process. However, they do have their limitations in the context of CNC component design. Learn about these limitations and how to overcome them.

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On a mission to become the engineering company where everyone wants to work and who everyone wants to buy from

Penta has developed a system that enables us to deliver quality parts to our customers; ensuring the same level of service to all, irrespective of where you are based in the UK.

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